國際組織 Asia Elite Business Scholars(簡稱 AEBS)成立於 2013 年,目前在台北、 新加坡、東京、首爾、北京、上海設有分會,其中,台北分會通過政府立案為非營利機構「中華亞洲頂尖企業學者協會」。
協會宗旨為連結亞洲各地區頂尖大學的人際網絡,促進各 國學生互相交流、情誼建立。而 My Global Friends 及 AEBS Academy 為協會下兩品牌, 於每年寒、暑假期間舉辦國際文化交流活動及英語辯論、公開演說、領導力、品格培養及創業能力學術研習。
Asia Elite Business Scholars is an international non for profit organization established in 2013 aimed at connecting students from top Asian universities and encouraging cultural exchange.
AEBS has 6 branches across Asia while we have developed two brands : My Global Friends & AEBS Academy to hold various programs for different groups of students, with the objective of these programs to promote international mindedness.
Global Exchange Program History
1st Global Exchange Program in Tokyo
February 21, 2014
Topic: The Future Prospects of Asia
Participants: 28 student scholars
Rakuten co.
Voyage Group
The University of Tokyo
Roppongi Hills Private club
17th Global Exchange@National University of Singapore | 16th Global Exchange@National Taiwan University Online | 15th Global Exchange@Fudan University Online | 14th Global Exchange@University of Tokyo Online |
12th Global Exchange@Peking University | 11th Global Exchange@National University of Singapore | 10th Global Exchange@Seoul National University | 9th Global Exchange@University of Tokyo |
8th Global Exchange@National Taiwan University | 7th Global Exchange@ Fudan University | 6th Global Exchange@Seoul National University | 5th Global Exchange@National University of Singapore |
4th Global Exchange@Kyoto University | 3rd Global Exchange@Peking University | 2nd Global Exchange@National Taiwan University | 1st Global Exchange@University of Tokyo |
Other Programs
My Global Friends
My Global Friends 頂 尖大學交流計畫旨在提供台灣的大學生與國際頂尖大學同學交流機會,藉由當地大學生親自帶領探索城市,並融入文化對談環節,寓教於樂之外也能深度了解當地文化。此計畫長遠目標為期望增廣台灣學生國際視野,並對社會產生正面價值。
My Global Friends programs are the best opportunity for students to visit top universities in the world. Local students from top universities will assist participants to understand the local culture and explore the city together while creating unique experiences and everlasting memories!
AEBS Academy
AEBS Academy 提供多種學術能力培養,邀請美國哈佛大學畢業生擔任活動講師。AEBS Academy於每年寒暑假在台北、台中以及東京舉辦Public Speaking program, Leadership Program以及Debating program三種全英語培訓課程, 學生從中學及高中生開始,即早培養未來人才。
AEBS Academy provides three academic programs designed and taught by alumni from Harvard University to empower education in Taipei, Taichung and Tokyo. The Public Speaking, Leadership and Debating programs are specially designed for students in Asia to strengthen their skills and prepare for further education in English speaking countries.